Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day 16 - 2015 - GREEN {FMF}

Today's word is:  GREEN

What a fun word for today, as we move into the second half of this writing challenge!  I am excited to read what direction others' writing will take!

First, I thought of "favorite colors".  Green is not necessarily one of my favorites; I'd have to say yellow (roses!), or pink (breast cancer ribbons!) or blue (sky and ocean!) are my favorite colors.

But, I love the green of God's beautiful world around us...

Trees and leaves and grass; the beautiful nature of God's world;

And that reminded me of the 23rd Psalm:

Found on Pinterest

Don't you just love how that sounds?  "He makes me lie down in green pastures..."

And, I love reading this scripture with my name inserted:

"The Lord is Barbara's Shepherd, she shall not want.  He makes Barbara lie down in green pastures..."

This makes it so personal, doesn't it?!  Read the whole chapter this way whenever you need a little boost - I need to take that advice many days!

So, yes!  Green!

Here is another fun image I found while browsing Pinterest:

Found on Pinterest

Enjoy your day full of green:

A cup of Green Tea, perhaps with a sprig of Mint!

Or, a big dish of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream for dessert!

Be sure to "Go Green", but try not to become "Green with Envy"...

I pray you have enough "Green" to have an awesome day!

And, I think my five minutes are up!

This is Day 16 of "31 Days of Free Writes", linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday group.  Check out all of my "Free Write" posts in this series here.  For more information on the "Write31Days" challenge, click here.


  1. I love this Barbara! Isn't it incredible how such a simple word can turn our hearts to Scripture! I need to mint choc chip icecream now I think!!

    1. Yes, Sarah! I don't necessarily state that my posts are all Christian or Bible verses; etc. But I sure am led that way with a lot of what I write...wonder why?! And, YES to that mint choc chip ice cream...although, I had dinner with my daughter and grandkids, and dessert was some kind of chocolate something...moose tracks or something...with chunks of choc and choc ice was good!!

  2. What an interesting take on the word green! It isn't necessarily my favorite color, either, but there are a lot of good green things!

    1. I wasn't even sure I'd get that written this morning before I had to leave; but the words just came...and there ARE a lot of good green things, Melissa!!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Mint chocolate chip is my fave ice cream. And green is my fave color.

    1. Well, Tara, all I can say is - if we EVER meet, we'll have to celebrate with a big bowl of min choc chip ice cream for each of us!!!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. We once did a 50 shades of green roundup at our health blog at *Grounded & Surrounded*. It was so much fun to explore all of the different meanings the word "green" has acquired in recent years.

    1. That would have been interesting to learn about the different meanings...I thought of like "going green" or whatever; but as I wrote...well, this is what I came up with!

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Sarah!

  5. Now whenever I think about green, I will think about the 23rd psalm. Thank you, that is a wonderful association.

    What fun you must have had coming up with "green" sayings. I had fun reading them.

    1. Thanks Susan! I love to browse Pinterest for images; but some of the things just popped into my head...and I kept thinking "green pastures" and sure enough...there it was in the 23rd Psalm.

      Appreciate your reading and commenting!

  6. Lovely post, but I am actually more a 'brown' person; the magnificent desolation of the desert.

    If you've ever seen "Lawrence of Arabia", recall the scenes at Wadi Rumm. There you have it.

    1. There are a lot of great "brown" things around...and I have seen Lawrence of Arabia but so long ago I'd have to watch it again to check out the Wadi Rumm scenes!

      Thanks for reading Andrew; I am sorry that I haven't read your last few posts...I am soooo far behind in other posts and in reading, but hoping to catch up - SOON!

  7. LOVE this ...... love the photo with the verse on it! what a great way to use the word green as a way of seeing Gods beauty ... thank you for sharing

    1. That verse was what immediately came to mind when I read the word for FMF Friday!! God's beauty is all around us, isn't it?!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  8. I listened to a song based on Psalm 23 on TV this morning, and I've just read the psalm here! It seems that Psalm 23 is following me today. :-)

    Green tea with mint? -- I've never tried that. Have you?

    1. Well, Romi - I pray that is Psalm 23 has been "following" you, that you were able to discern what "it" was saying to you!!

      No, I was being "funny" with the Green tea with mint!! I love mint tea; and green tea; but have never had them together!!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  9. Beautiful post, Barbara. It made me chuckle towards the end as your sense of humor just shines through!! Helen xxx

    1. I did try to let that sense of humor shine through!! Glad you caught that!! I DID preface the post with "what a fun word..."!!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!


Thank you for stopping by to read my post today! I appreciate your reading and commenting - your comments are a welcome encouragement for me to continue one of my favorite things - writing!

You are special to me; and your words help in more ways than I can number...Thank you just isn't enough!