my first thought was "I don't want to consider it a list of things to do BEFORE I die!"
So,my "bucket list" became a "Now that I am 50...Things I'd Like to Do"...PERIOD! Just that - things I'd like to do!
And now that I am over 60...I am on the way to completing some of these things!
So, here is my list in no particular order - including those that I have already accomplished!
* Visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris - again! We visited when I was younger while my father was stationed in Orleans, France with the U. S. Army.
* Spend a weekend at a bed and breakfast - alone! No particular place, but I have some ideas!
Chancel Choir
* Go with my "children" and grandchildren to Disney World in Orlando, Florida for a few days.
My First Cruise
(thank you, Mother!)
* * Take a photography class for FUN and for the knowledge of using the above camera!
* Visit my friends in Germany! I loved the beautiful country when I was there with my first husband; also lived there with my parents and brothers.
{This one is marked as completed, although it is a favorite road trip to find each of these wonderful places!}
* See a Broadway Show in Chicago or New York City...although I have seen a few in a small dinner theater in town, I would LOVE the experience of Broadway in either of these places!
{Another opportunity through my church; as a fund-raiser for our Children's Art Center, the adults performed an original adptation of "Little Red Riding Hood" called "A Little Walk through the Woods", written by two of our choir members.
As part of the "chorus of trees" that narrated, I was "Pine" and had a solo speaking part... as the main charachter "Little" walked through the forest, she smells a very fragrant odor. My acting debut as Pine sprays the fragrance around and says: "That beautiful bouquet is Forest Pine. It's a new Febreze scent; so please be kind."}
OK - so, not really a big production - but it was FUN; raised money for our Art Center; and was something I certainly would have never thought I'd do!!
* Spend a week (or weekend or a few days) in the mountains beside a cool river or stream (North Carolina would be great!).
* Retire at an age young enough to enjoy family and friends.
{Since I was let go from my job in 2010, and subsequently went on disability...my time is flexible and I am able to do this - and often!}
* Visit Australia
* Go to Disney World (my original desire was to go to Disney World; I added the one above to take the "children" and grandchildren for another opportunity!)
{My very first trip to Disney was when we went to celebrate my first grandson's 4th birthday in 2003 - and so far, I haven't been again...but it is on my list to do!}
* Publish my poems and other writings (a couple were "published" in an anthology - but I paid to have them included; not quite like actually being published! But, I am posting them on my Blog!
* Experience a Mission Trip - to somewhere...
And, for now, that completes my "Bucket List" or "Things I'd like to do List". It is quite a long list to accomplish; but, I am on the quest to do just that!
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