All good things must come to an end; and I am certainly sad to see this Blog-tember challenge with Bailey Jean come to an end. But, writing will continue ... and there is always next year!
Today's prompt is:
How Did the Blog-tember Challenge Go For You? Any surprises? What was Your Favorite Prompt, Or What Would You Like to See Included Next Time?
The challenge came at a time in my life when I have been questioning myself; my faith; my commitments; my challenges; my choices...
And at a time when I am part of a team at our church, the Pastoral Search Committee. We have been doing some soul-searching as well.
These two circumstances have inter-connected in the thoughts that have been running around in my brain...and I have pondered many of the prompts with these things in my brain (or elsewhere?).
One thing I learned during this month is: How to make a photo collage in PicMonkey! Such an easy thing, I'm sure, for those "techy" people...but I kept getting confused and frustrated all at the same time...
Until I made one!! And then another...and now I think I could do another and another!!
So, the fact that I did get a collage done for the September 13th post that shared our inspiration or mood board for this season in our life, I'd have to say that is one of my favorite accomplishments! And, here is the collage:
But, to pick a favorite topic would be really hard! I enjoyed peeking into everyone's bags and and drooling over what they were carrying around...check out my bag below and on the September 15th post.
I also enjoyed sharing my blog with my friend Karen, who blogs at Finding the Grace Within by inviting her to Guest Post...check out her blog here; and her guest post on my September 23rd post.
This Blog-tember challenge really did help prepare me for writing every day - again - and especially for the October challenge which, of course, begins the day after this one ends!
{I may need to take November and December off to enjoy the holidays and start again in the new year...but I doubt if I do!}
Thanks again, to Bailey Jean for bringing us all together!